Asset Template Library
Instamint maintains a library of asset template types. The types are JSON metadata artifacts that describe an asset. For example a specific JSON metadata can describe an image, POAP or a different set of metadata can describe a municipal bond.
Currently, Instamint provides pre-built asset templates. Schemas for these templates can be found here: . The library of schemas is expected to grow over the coming years as asset metadata standards emerge for asset types beyond image NFTs.
Please note these schemas are subject to change
Additional bespoke templates can be created by clients using Designer. Prior to minting, an asset's metadata is checked against an asset templates JSON schema.
Single image with erc721-style metadata
Single image with arc69-style metadata
NxN images stitched into a single image with erc721-style metadata
NxN images stitched into a single image with arc69-style metadata
Simple proof of presence with location and date/time stamp
Simple invoice asset
Last updated